Job Openings

Kid's Ministry Summer Intern

This paid internship will consist of approximately two months (June 2 – July 31), assisting the Director and Assistant Director of our Kid’s Ministry to prepare and implement Summer Camps, Rise Up Summer Camp, Midweek Ministry and VBS with a focus in pre-school and elementary aged children. Please review the Primary Duties & Responsibilities, and reach out to Jill Guettler through the button below to get the full job description and submit a resume.

Primary Duties & Responsibilities:

1. Organization of and implementation of Summer Camp curriculum and materials. This may include, but is not limited to, registration, checking in and out camp participants, gathering supplies, helping to reorganize and clean up church facilities used for camp

2. Attend and act as an adult leader for one week of sleep-away camp

3. Teaching and assisting in Midweek and Sunday curriculum planning and implementation

4. Planning, organizing, and helping with implementation of VBS

5. Participate in Kids Service on VBS Sunday (July 27)

6. Any other duties that are required to have successful summer camps, sleep-away camp and VBS

Kid's Ministry Nursery Worker

This part-time, paid position will consist of helping look after our infants – early elementary-aged children while parents are at church on Sunday mornings or weekly studies. The role provides day-time and/or evening shifts and will require loving and patient individuals who truly love kids. Please reach out to Jill Guettler through the button below to get a full job description and submit a resume