Life-Giving Moments

A Campaign based around spreading god's love

"My daughter Maggie, a sixth-grader in public school, saw her teacher having a rough day and not being herself. Maggie asked her table-mates to pray for the teacher. They stopped what they were doing, and Maggie led a prayer for her teacher. The teacher let Maggie know later that she felt the power of God that day and her day was better for it. I’m so proud of our daughter."
Lani Simonton
"Karen Wilsdorf, a member of Cornerstone Core Group, invited her new next-door neighbor to attend church and Core Group with her, and she has been coming faithfully since January."
Carol Calicott
"It’s not that big, but today I had such a bad headache to the point where I was contemplating on coming to The Well or not. I flipped a coin, and it said heads (which I did not really want, to be honest). I was thinking about it, and something inside my head just said, “Discipline, Rhea, you need discipline.” And I just knew it was God."
Rhea Joseph
"My 2-year-old granddaughter attends Lakewood Little People. I walked into our living room and heard her singing "Jesus Loves Me" from beginning to end. I was blown away! Of course, I pulled out my camera and asked her to please sing it again, but being 2, she would not! I thank Kris Ramos, Jill Guettler, and the entire staff of LLP and Lakewood for providing a loving environment that is teaching our little one about God's love."
Becky Bowser
"My husband was extremely angry about a situation and was ruminating about it for days. When we were in core group in our small group, he mentioned what he was angry about. One of the other members listened to the Holy Spirit and rebuked his ire and had the strength to hold him accountable as Christ said to not harbor anger. His countenance changed immediately, and he has been at peace since. Praise God!"
"I’ve been able to pour into youth students whose lives have been CHANGED by God. Multiple families have seen changes in their children that are in my group!"
Rachel Howelton
"Thank you, church body, for taking time out of your busy day to meet the needs of those in the church and the community. Many people offered to help those without electricity, and some were able to help with very tangible needs. What generous hearts God has given you, and we thank you for your sacrificial gifts of time, effort, and provisions. May God bless you richly as you have blessed those you helped."
"Just this last week, God answered a prayer we had been praying about for 16 months. We had no idea how He would, just that He would answer. Every time we tried to make things happen on our own, it always seemed to fall apart or not work out. When we let God truly take control of the situation, our prayer was answered more than we could have imagined. God is so good."
"I stumbled and fell at the church a couple of weeks ago. I was overwhelmed by the immediate response from both the safety medical team at the church and the church staff members that came to take care of me. My granddaughter and great-granddaughter were with me, and the staff made sure they got to the Vacation Bible School classes for the day. I felt the presence of God in all those people helping me as well as the many prayers, from Vacation Bible School class all the way through the members. It is comforting to know that I am being taken care of by the many wonderful people here at Lakewood. This indeed was a life-giving moment for me!"
Kay Irvine
"The Women of the Word (WOW) Sunday school class is always looking for ways to contribute to the various missions of Lakewood Methodist Church. Last fall during our study titled “Food from God,” we focused on a different mission each month: food, hospitality, and water. Our leader, Barbara Kendall, visited with Pastor John about ways to contribute to a project that provides water. Pastor John was so happy to hear from a group in the church about working on a water project. He spoke to the class about the many needs at Murara School in Kenya and had been praying that a church group would step up to initiate this mission. While water is among the needs, the school officials requested that other items be provided first, including flooring and desks. The WOW class donated $800 to start this project, and other classes have added to the fund to help the school. When Pastor John visited the Murara School this summer, he was thrilled to see not only new flooring and desks, but also finished walls and upgraded windows. The Holy Spirit was clearly moving within our church to connect our desire to help with a mission that was waiting for a group to get it started."
Women of the Word
"A friend of mine at church’s sister-in-law had recently lost her husband, and she was having a very difficult time dealing with the loss and grieving. I suggested the four “New Normal” books for her. She read them, and it made a huge tremendous turnaround in her life. I thank God for those books and for what they did for her."
Becky Rice
"I invited a co-worker who was going through a difficult time to join me for the women’s retreat we were having... as a result, she has now become involved in several groups here (i.e., Ruth Circle, Bible Study, Book Club). She volunteers 249, and we’re both planning on doing the Emmaus Walk in April together."
Roz Graham
"While running my errands yesterday, I encountered three separate men seeking assistance on three separate street corners. When I handed each of them a couple of breakfast bars, they were so appreciative. Each of the three gentlemen thanked me and blessed me, which made me the recipient of three life-giving moments, all in one morning!"
"A Stephen Ministry woman helped me to carry on after the death of a 24-year-old son."
Carol Allen
"I was at Klaus Brewery on Jones Road in April with a couple of neighbors, and we were outside enjoying some beers. One of my neighbors was telling us about his wife's young son (13) who is currently living in Vietnam with his grandparents, and they are in the process of seeing if they can bring him here to Houston to be with them. The other neighbor that was with us asked if we could pray for him and his wife. He said yes, and as we started to pray, another couple who we didn't know saw us praying, and they came over and put their hands on him and prayed with us. It was very unexpected and occurred in a brewery while drinking beer. It was so unique that it really inspired me and helped me feel more comfortable about praying in public."
Tony Niles
"I was glad to help a girl in my BSF class who needed a ride home. Little did I know the difficulties in her life. Her husband died nine years ago, and four years ago she experienced a severe stroke. She has to use a walker and is unable to drive. I am so thankful that God put her in my life. I enjoy our times together; I do all I can to help her. She is a blessing in my life."
"Today I was at PetSmart, and a guy in the checkout line noticed I was wearing a shirt that said “Disciple.” He was so excited that I knew Jesus! He began to share with me that he had started reading the Bible recently and that God was opening up the Scriptures to Him. He said one of the verses that stood out most was in Revelation where the church is warned not to be lukewarm, so he wanted to be on fire for God! He was a veteran that served in Iraq and shared his testimony of God audibly speaking to him—that “He would be okay and that He is with him” in the middle of a military attack, where he thought he was going to die. He then shared with me that he now realizes: God has always been with him. What an encouraging trip to Petsmart and a reminder to be on fire everywhere and to be ready to share our testimonies!"
"Hurricane Beryl was still overhead, but I already knew that I was going to need a chainsaw to clean up my yard. I put out an email to my core group, and during the eye of the storm, two different people showed up at my house with saws ready. I'm so thankful for these brothers in Christ!"
"I was serving in the shower ministry and had gone to the clothes closet to pick out a new outfit for one of our guests. I don’t usually do this, but before I started to look, I closed my eyes and said, “God, help me find the right thing for Paola.” I very quickly saw a nice top and pair of slacks that I brought to her, and smilingly told her that I had prayed before I chose them. After she finished her shower and had tried on her new clothes, she came to me with tears in her eyes. Everything fit perfectly and looked very nice… but she said the best part was knowing that God was looking out for her and had chosen this just for her. She was so thankful, it brought me joy just to see her joy!"
"I work in the food pantry here at church, and a man who has been coming for the past couple of months told me he was looking for a volunteer who helped him last time. I asked why he needed to speak with her, and he said that he had completed his schooling! He mentioned this would be the last time we see him at our pantry due to new opportunities opening up for him. He wanted to share the good news with the volunteer who had prayed for him at his last visit with us."
Rachel Howelton
"Our Cornerstone Core Group member, Dale Williams, recently had surgery, and five of our group members visited him in the hospital during the same hour. Unplanned timing on our parts, but not for God!"
Carol & Virgil Calicott
"My very introverted 13-year-old daughter (Bailey) had the courage to give the message and speak truth at The Well (our student ministries bible study) in front of a room packed full of her peers as well as adults. The only way this was possible was because of the Holy Spirit speaking to her heart, her stepping MAJORLY outside of her comfort zone, and acting upon the Spirit’s nudging. I’m so proud of her!"
Darci Freeman
"I was purchasing an Easter gift from the Lakewood store for my granddaughter, whose mom recently passed away, and Sandy Baumgarten was checking me out. But when I was reaching for my credit card, Sandy said, “No, this one’s on me for my little Costco buddy who chatted with me when we’d see each other while shopping there.” This sweet act warmed my heart and provided me with some joyful memories and a few loving tears."
Linda Dunn
"Out of the blue, God made me think of an uncle I hadn’t seen for over 40 years. I looked through all my address books and ran across a phone number for him. I called and was so excited hearing his voice—it was like time stood still. He was thrilled to hear from me, too. It was especially wonderful that it was his 85th birthday—he said my call was the best birthday gift he had ever received. It was truly a God moment for both of us."
"It's been a challenging and disappointing few days at work. I got up this morning wondering what to do today to turn things around. As I sat feeling frustrated at my desk, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "When you are feeling like this, don't run away from Me; run to Me!" I went downstairs to the kitchen and felt led to pray with my wife. We had a wonderful prayer time together. Then a little bit later, there was a knock on the door, and one of my neighbors who is a member of Lakewood was standing there. She said that she had been praying for me, that she prayed every time she drove by my house, and that today, the Holy Spirit told her to stop and offer encouragement. I told her that I really needed that today and thanked her for her kindness and prayers. This was truly a life-giving morning directed by the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord!"
"It was a beautiful moment when Lakewood was able, by His Grace, to donate school supplies and desks to a very poor primary school in Kenya. The principal, teachers, and students were all very happy and grateful. A little later that day, a 10-year-old girl, Morgan, came up to me and handed me a thank you card of sorts that she made after seeing the donations. I was overwhelmed with joy and gratitude. Every time I look at the card, I thank our magnificent God."
Jack Aulick
"On Wednesday, June 5, a very dear friend of mine passed away unexpectedly. I was in shock, saddened and then scared. I realized how precious each day is and how no one knows when our time on earth is up. Then I attended the Sister to Sister Retreat on Friday and Saturday—and what a blessing that was. The community of wonderful women, the lessons shared and learned there left me with a feeling of peace not only about my friend, but about the road ahead. As we learned, I left feeling blessed so that I can be a blessing to others. Thank you, Lakewood Methodist."
"Just wanted to share a special moment. My daughter suffers from severe depression and anxiety disorder. She has not attended a church in over 25 years but decided to come with me one Sunday because she saw how much Lakewood means in my life. I do not ask each Sunday, but she comes and has attended for the last six Sundays and shares that it is one time in her week when she truly feels peace. Thank you, Lakewood, for being a vessel for God to shine."
Mary Hall
"Late last year, I suffered a devastating knee injury and surgery that kept me mostly homebound for weeks. When I finally started rehab, it was very slow going. Two of my neighbors offered to walk my high-energy dog until I was able to do it myself. They faithfully walked him once or twice a day for four months. My BSF group and leader prayed for my complete recovery. My leader called and encouraged me regularly, and I have no doubt that God was speaking to me through her. These selfless acts were deeply appreciated and sustained me during a difficult time. I am incredibly grateful to God for using them to support me."
Betsy Stuckey

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