Special Note From The General Conference

Head to the Other Announcements section in the newsletter to view the General Conference’s special note, a 12-Day Prayer Guide, and how you can further support this year’s General Conference.


Temporary Church Hours

Due next week’s Staff Conference the church office will be closing early on both Wednesday, Sept. 18th and Thursday, Sept. 19th at 2:30 PM. In order to gain access to your scheduled meetings on these days, please enter the church through the Jones Road doors.

Highlighted Events

Costa Rica 2025 Mission Meeting

Join our amazing and loving Costa Rica Mission Team for next summer! We will visit a Methodist orphanage in San Jose before heading north, where we will provide Vacation Bible School and spend much of the week building their new church. God’s love will abound as we sing, work, sweat, pray, and eat together! We will meet on September 22 at 12:30PM in Founder’s Court to discuss the trip details! We invite you to join us and learn more about how you can be a blessing to those who need our support!

Senior Adult Bus Trip Registration

Our Senior Adult Ministry is heading out on another Bi-Monthly Bus Trip to the Houston Holocaust Museum on Saturday, October 5! After the museum we will stop for lunch before returning back to the church. This is a great opportunity to get out and explore the city, remember the past, and be in fellowship with other brothers and sisters in Christ. If you would like to join us on this 50+ Bus Trip, then please register and pay in the Commons this Sunday, September 15 and next Sunday, September 22.

Hospitality & Serve Team Training

Update: This Training Will Be Moved To Sunday, September 22

If you would like to learn how to join a volunteer or serve group, please join us for the Hospitality & Serve Team training on September 22 at 12:30 PM! There are so many different ways to get involved, and to help out at Lakewood so let’s get you plugged in so that we can continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this place. Or, if you are a current Greeter, Communion Server, Usher, Sheepdog Member or on any other kind of Hospitality or Serve Team, this is an important training meeting for all members of your team to attend!

Other Highlighted Events

Looking For Something More Specific?

Weekly Life-Giving Moment

“I just wanted to share a special moment. My daughter suffers from severe depression and anxiety disorder, and she has not attended a church in over 25 years, but decided to come with me one Sunday because she saw how much Lakewood means in my life. I do not ask each Sunday, but she has come and attended for the last 6 Sundays and shares that it is one time in her week she truly feels peace. Thank you Lakewood for being a vessel for God to shine.”

Total Submitted: 200

other Announcements

12-Day Prayer Guide For General Conference

For months now, we have been looking forward with great anticipation to our historic Convening General Conference, set for September 20-26 in San José, Costa Rica. Many significant decisions will be made that will profoundly shape the future of our church. It is important for us to be “laying the tracks for the train” for our souls through persistent, believing prayer. For surely, above all else, we need the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to show up in our midst during the Convening General Conference to guide, direct and lead us forward!

Our Kid's Ministry is Hiring

Our amazing and dedicated Kid’s Ministry Staff are looking to hire new Team Members for their part-time positions! If you are interested in learning more, or applying, please contact Laurie Rutledge below.

Thank You From Our Matthew 25:35 Team

Our Matthew 25:35 Food Pantry and First Sunday Pairing volunteers would thank each and everyone of you who donated to our ministry, either through the Communion Rail offering or by bringing food each month for our Food Pantry Re-Stock efforts! We are beyond blessed by you all and your drive to help others in our community, we couldn’t do it without your support! Thank you!!

Have You Heard?!

If you haven’t heard, the wait is over! Our new tool is now available for you. Click the link to download and discover all the amazing features designed to enhance your experience. We can’t wait for you to explore!

Get Involved at Lakewood

Interested in Joining Our Praise Team?

Do you love worshiping at our Contemporary Service, and think your skills would fit well with our team? Anyone that would like to volunteer for our Contemporary Service Praise Team is invited to meet for a one-on-one session with our Contemporary Music Director, David Davis to evaluate your gifts, graces and skill set. Following practices with the team are held on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM, and once the member has become comfortable with the praise team and has grown in their skill set, dates will be given to join us for Sunday service on stage. If anyone is interested or has any questions regarding this process, please, feel free to reach out to David Davis below.

Year-To-Date Financial Report

How Can We Pray For You?

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