When: Monday, July 22 – Thursday, July 25

Ages: Entering Kinder – Entering 6th Grade

Time: 9:00AM – 12:15PM, daily

Cost: $25 per child, includes t-shirt & music (1 per family), or a $70 family package

Important Notes: Children entering Kinder MUST have an adult volunteer to attend. Childcare will be provided for volunteers with any children (infant – 4 years.)

Registration: Registration forms can be found online (using the QR Code), in the church office, or in the Education Wing. Completed forms may be returned in person, dropped off at the church office, mailed or placed in the mailbox in the Education Wing. Register by June 30th to get a guaranteed t-shirt, and walk-ins are not accepted.

Final registration deadline is July 14th.


Join the fun by donating VBS buttons, posters, or teaching kits! Gifts of all shapes and sizes are greatly appreciated and will ensure that every child has a fabulous time in Vacation Bible School this summer!