Lakewood's Kids Ministries

Who We Are

The Kids Ministry at Lakewood Methodist provides many fun and exciting opportunities for our youngest members to grow in God’s love. Some of our annual celebrations include Easter Events, Vacation Bible School, Fall Bash, and the Children’s Christmas Service. During the summer, a wide array of summer day camps provide relief from heat and boredom. At Lakewood, our focus is for kids to build a Biblical foundation upon which they can grow a personal relationship with Christ. Kids meet in loving, safe, secure places and have fun meeting new friends and discovering more about God’s Holy Word.

Sunday Mornings at our Kids Ministry

Every Sunday Morning

Nursery care is available from 8:40-12:15 PM for infants through 3 years

Kid's Hang Time (8:45AM Service)

4 years – 5TH Grade will be dismissed following the Children’s Message.

Parents can pick up children after the 8:45 service in the Children’s Wing.

Kid's Core groups

4 years – Kinder: Meet in Children’s Chapel for Kids Core Group at 10:00AM

1st – 2nd Grade: Meet in E201 for Kids Core Group at 10:00AM

3rd – 5th Grade: Meet in E202 for Kids Core Group at 10:00AM

Kid's Church (11:15AM Service)

Children ages 4 through 5th Grade will begin worship with their family in service, and then be dismissed from New Song following the Children’s Message.

Parents can pick up children after the 11:15AM service in the Children’s Wing.

Please register your child’s attendance in the Education Wing prior to children attending Hang Time, Core Groups, Kids Church or Nursery!

Lakewood Kids Music Ministry

Creekside Carolers Kid's Choir

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade
8:00AM – 8:45AM | Room: A202

Living Waters Kid's Choir

3rd Grade – 6th Grade
9:25AM – 9:55AM | Room: A205

Learn About Our Kid’s Handbell Choirs:

Upcoming Events